MDG - Introduction

Kasta Morrely NGO has organised the European Training Millennium Development Leaders to train 26 youth leaders by specialists , from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Turkey.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as AIDS, and developing a global partnership for development.

Heads of State at the Millennium Summit
In 2001, recognizing the need to assist impoverished nations more aggressively, UN member states adopted the targets. The aim of MDGs is to encourage development by improving social and economic conditions in the world's poorest countries.
They derive from earlier international development targets,[2] and were officially established at the Millennium Summit in 2000, where all world leaders present adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration, from which the eight goals were promoted.